Frequently asked questions about social sign-up and Boost

If you haven’t seen any software like Boost and you don’t know what to compare Boost to, it’s because Boost is the first marketing-focused software that allows you to implement social sign-up technology in minutes. ????

Here are the answers to a few frequently asked questions about Boost, that will clear some of your skepticism about this revolutionary software solution:

1. What is social signup? 

Social signup/login allows visitors to use existing login information from social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter or Google Plus to sign up/sign into third-party sites.
Social sign-up is widely used on hundreds of thousands of websites. ????

Here are some articles on a few trusted websites talking about the advantages of using social signup:

How to Increase Your Conversion Rate With Social Media by Neil Patel

2. Why do you say that Boost is the first marketing-focused software about social sign-up? 

Social sign-up has been used by websites for years to enhance or replace their traditional sign-up forms. 
But for some reasons, no one has been using this amazing solution for email optin forms. 
Boost is the only software in the world that allows you to flexibly integrate social sample into your marketing funnel without the hassle of having to hire developers to customize everything for you. ????

3. Is this similar to scraping emails?

Absolutely not! Scraping email addresses is getting email addresses without the owners’ consent. 
With Boost and social sign-up, we ask for visitor’s consent before collecting the email address. This is the same as when the visitor logs in using their social account to any websites.
Boost also has an amazing feature that allows you to add a confirmation checkbox before collecting the visitor consent.

This will make sure that you have the visitors permission to add them to your email list and the visitors understand what is going to happen.


4. I don’t have time to learn to use a new piece of software!


Yes, you have! With Boost, you can create a social sign-up URL in literally less than one minute! ????
Boost will be is the easiest marketing software that you will ever use. Yet, it is still extremely powerful in terms of what it can do. ????
You will know the ins and outs of the software by just watching this quick video.


Let’s start using Boost now to grow your email list faster and give people an easier time subscribing to your list!

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