How to customize your agency portal with custom CSS

/* Login Area */

a {
    color: rgb(41, 161, 156);

body.full-screen .all-wrapper {
    height: 100vh;
    border-radius: 0;
    /* background: gray;  */
    /* If you want flat color just uncomment this line */
    background-image: linear-gradient(to right bottom, rgba(34, 40, 49, .5), rgba(34, 40, 49, .9));

/* For Button */

#at-btn {
    background-color: rgba(41, 161, 156, .9);

/* Dashboard Area
For  Big Button */

.all-wrapper .fc-button.fc-state-active,
.btn-primary {
    background-color: rgba(41, 161, 156, .9) !important;
    border-color: rgba(41, 161, 156, .9) !important;

/* For Dropdown Account */

.os-dropdown {
    background-color: rgba(41, 161, 156, 1) !important;
    border-color: rgba(41, 161, 156, 1) !important;

/* For Account Name */

.menu-w.color-scheme-light .messages-notifications,
.menu-w.color-scheme-light .top-icon {
    color: rgba(41, 161, 156, 1) !important;
} {
    color: rgba(41, 161, 156, 1) !important;

/* For Box Line */

.element-box {
    border-top: 5px solid rgba(41, 161, 156, .9) !important;

/* For Data For URLS */

.support-index .ticket-title,
.support-index .support-ticket:hover .ticket-title {
    color: rgb(41, 161, 156);

div#menuAllEmailsData {
    box-shadow: 0 5px 12px rgba(126, 142, 177, .2), 0 0 0 2px rgba(41, 161, 156, .9);

/* For Data For URLS */

/* Collected Contacts */

.support-index .st-foot .value {
    color: rgb(41, 161, 156);

/* Date */

.support-index .st-foot .value {
    color: rgb(41, 161, 156);

.support-index .support-ticket:hover {
    box-shadow: 0 5px 12px rgba(126, 142, 177, .2), 0 0 0 2px rgb(41, 161, 156);

/* Drop Down Main Menu */

.menu-w.sub-menu-style-over.sub-menu-color-bright ul.main-menu>>a {
    background-color: rgba(41, 161, 156, 1) !important;

.menu-w.sub-menu-style-over .sub-menu-w {
    background-color: rgba(41, 161, 156, 1) !important;

/* For ICon */

.menu-w ul.main-menu>li .icon-w {
    color: rgb(41, 161, 156);

/* For Dash Below Optin Link */

.element-wrapper .element-header:after {
    background-color: rgba(41, 161, 156, 1);

/* Inner Pages */

/* Campaign Area */

.step-triggers .step-trigger:before {
    background-color: rgb(41, 161, 156);

/* Creating Links */

/* Switch */

.label-primary {
    background-color: rgb(41, 161, 156);

/* Drop Down */

.select2-container--default .select2-results__option--highlighted[aria-selected] {
    background-color: rgb(41, 161, 156);

/*Settings URL */
/* Buttons */
.btn-outline-primary {
    border-color: rgb(41, 161, 156);
    color: rgb(41, 161, 156);
/* Buttons  while Hover*/
.btn-outline-primary:hover {
    background-color: rgb(41, 161, 156);
    border-color: rgb(41, 161, 156);
/* button when Toggle is active*/
.show>.btn-outline-primary.dropdown-toggle {
    background-color: rgb(41, 161, 156);
    border-color: rgb(41, 161, 156);
